How to solve nobody converted user issue

Knowledgebase Articles and news

Khawar Shahzad

How to solve nobody converted user issue


Linux, being an open-source and versatile operating system, grants users fine-grained control over files and directories through ownership and permissions. Understanding how to manage user ownership and permissions is crucial for maintaining security and controlling access to sensitive data. In this article, we will delve into the essential concepts of Linux user ownership and permissions and explore how to modify them using SSH commands.

Understanding User Ownership and Permissions:

In Linux, every file and directory is associated with an owner and a group. Additionally, permissions are set for the owner, group, and other users. These permissions dictate what actions each category of users can perform on the file or directory - such as read, write, or execute.
The three main categories of permissions are represented by the characters r (read), w (write), and x (execute). Each category consists of three positions for the owner, group, and others, respectively. For example, rw-r--r-- signifies that the owner has read and write permissions, while the group and others can only read.

Connecting to a Remote Server via SSH:

Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol that enables secure communication between two systems. To connect to a remote Linux server, use the following command:

ssh username@remote_server_ip

Replace username with your remote server username and remote_server_ip with the server's IP address or domain name.

and  you can use tools to connect your server like Bitwise, Putty which is famous ssh connectivity tools.

Viewing Current Ownership and Permissions:

To check the ownership and permissions of files or directories, you can use the ls command with the -l option:

ls -l /path/to/file_or_directory

The output will display detailed information, including owner, group, and permissions.

Changing Ownership:

To change the ownership of a file or directory, use the chown command:

sudo chown new_owner_username /path/to/file_or_directory

Replace new_owner_username with the desired username of the new owner. The sudo command is used to gain superuser privileges, as changing ownership requires administrative rights.

Changing Group Ownership:

To change the group ownership of a file or directory, use the chgrp command:

sudo chgrp new_group_name /path/to/file_or_directory

Replace new_group_name with the desired group name.

Modifying Permissions:

To change permissions, use the chmod command. There are two primary ways to specify permissions: numeric mode and symbolic mode.

a. Numeric Mode:

In numeric mode, permissions are represented by a three-digit number. Each digit corresponds to the owner, group, and others, respectively. The numeric values for permissions are:

4 (read)

2 (write)

1 (execute)

0 (no permission)

For example, to set read and write permissions for the owner, use:

chmod 600 /path/to/file

b. Symbolic Mode:

Symbolic mode allows you to modify permissions based on the existing permissions. It uses symbols such as + (add), - (remove), and = (set).

To add read and write permissions for the group, use:

chmod g+rw /path/to/file

Combining Multiple Permissions:

You can combine multiple permissions in a single command. For example, to give the owner read, write, and execute permissions, while allowing only read permissions for the group and others, use:

chmod 744 /path/to/file

Applying Permissions Recursively:

To apply ownership and permissions changes recursively to all files and subdirectories within a directory, use the chmod and chown commands with the -R option:

sudo chown -R new_owner_username /path/to/directory
sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory

Incase of Premitted error:

Insufficient Privileges:

Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to modify the ownership or permissions of the file or directory. You might need to use the sudo command to gain elevated privileges if you are not the file owner or do not have sufficient rights to make changes.

Incorrect Path or File Name:

Double-check the path to the file or directory you are trying to modify. Make sure the file or directory exists in the specified location and that you have spelled the path correctly.

Ownership Conflicts:

If the file or directory is being used by another process or is owned by another user, you may not be able to change its ownership. Ensure that the file is not open in any applications and is not currently being used.

Filesystem Mount Options:

If you are trying to change permissions on a file or directory located on a mounted filesystem, verify that the mount options allow permission changes. Some filesystems, like NTFS, may not support Linux permission settings.

SELinux or AppArmor:

If your system has SELinux or AppArmor enabled, they can enforce additional security policies that may prevent you from changing certain permissions. Check the SELinux or AppArmor logs for any denial messages and consider adjusting the policies accordingly.

Filesystem Ownership:

Ensure that the destination filesystem (where the file or directory resides) is mounted correctly and is not read-only. A read-only filesystem can prevent you from modifying any files or directories on it.

Check Disk Space:

If the filesystem is full, it may prevent you from modifying files or creating new files. Verify the available disk space using the df command.

File Attributes:

Some files may have special attributes set (e.g., immutable or append-only) that prevent changes to ownership or permissions. Use the lsattr command to view any special file attributes and remove them if necessary.

before below mentioned command execution  you must replace account_user_name with actual user account name

sudo chattr -i /home/account_user_name
sudo chattr -i /home/account_user_name/public_html
sudo chown account_user_name:root /home/account_user_name/public_html
sudo restorecon -R /home/account_user_name
chmod 755 /home/account_user_name
chmod 755 /home/account_user_name/public_html

Always be cautious when using the sudo command and changing permissions, as incorrect settings can cause unintended consequences or even make your system vulnerable to security risks. It's a good practice to back up critical files before making changes to permissions.

If you encounter an error and cannot determine the cause, you may want to consult system logs (such as /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages, or /var/log/auth.log) for any relevant error messages that could provide additional insights into the issue.


Understanding Linux user ownership and permissions is crucial for managing file access and ensuring the security of your system. Using SSH commands to modify ownership and permissions enables you to efficiently manage remote servers and keep your data safe from unauthorized access. Always exercise caution when changing permissions, as improper settings could lead to unintended consequences. Regularly review and update file permissions to maintain a secure and well-organized Linux environment.